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Image by Nick Scheerbart

Grief Workshop & Gallery Mediumship Readings: Rev. Terri Daniel and Thomas John


October 9, 2016

GRIEF AS A MYSTICAL JOURNEY, Sacred Practices for Transforming Loss into Light.

*A heart-opening, experiential workshop for bereaved individuals and bereavement professionals.*

If you or someone you know is mourning a death or a loss of any kind (including divorce, job loss, pet loss or any major transformational shift), please join us in a rare learning environment that provides healing tools not found in traditional counseling or support group settings.

Learn to:

- Focus on internal transformation rather than on external events

- Use creative rituals to help you move from pain to peace

- Transmute trauma into new forms of love and spiritual awareness.

##Sunday October 9, 2016

###1-5 pm - Workshop with Rev. Terri Daniel, MA, CT

###7-9 pm - Audience readings with psychic medium Thomas John

###Location: Journey Care - 2050 Claire Court, Glenview, IL.

###For details and registration,
###visit or call 847-251.5758


TERRI DANIEL, MA, CT, a hospice and hospital-trained clinical chaplain certified in death, dying and bereavement. Her unique perspective on birth, death and the journey of the soul helps the bereaved find meaning and healing through meditative and ritual practices that open a conduit to other dimensions. Terri's brand of "radical mysticism" incorporates elements of Buddhism, Shamanism, ancient pagan practices, Gnosticism and other spiritual traditions to break down limiting beliefs about trauma and forgiveness.

THOMAS JOHN is an internationally regarded psychic medium and clairvoyant, as well as a published author and life coach, who has conducted hundreds of readings around the world. Known for his accuracy and detailed readings, Thomas John has provided evidence of the survival of consciousness to a wide range of clients worldwide, including doctors, lawyers, media and TV execs, Wall Street moguls, and high-profile celebrities Jennifer Lopez, Courtney Cox, Sean Young and more.

More details and registration -

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