Guest Speaker: Kimberly Clark Sharp, MSW

April 14, 2007
NDEr, Author, Seattle's Near-Death Comedienne!
Kimberly Clark Sharp, M.S.W., has earned the title of \"Near-Death Comedienne\" through her many presentations about near-death experiences. She is the founder and president of the Seattle International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), the oldest and one of the largest groups of its kind in the world. A clinical social worker, Sharp has taught at the University of Washington School of Medicine and at Seattle University. She lives in Seattle, Washington, with her husband and daughter. Her book,<i> After the Light,</i> is a near-death classic, educating
thousands about the near-death experience with much humor and tact,
delivering the serious message that we do not die in an irresistibly
humorous package. It is difficult to put her book down once you begin to
\"Death is nothing to fear - and life without fear can be lived to the
This is Kimberly Clark Sharp\'s message from her extraordinary
experience during the time after her heart suddenly stopped beating and
she lay on the sidewalk, not breathing, and without a pulse. Swept into
a peaceful loving place of brilliant golden light and warm comfort, she
saw, for the first time, the meaning of life - and death.
Thereafter, Kimberly, with hamster Toto at her side, left Kansas for
Seattle - known as \"the Emerald City\" -- to fulfill a destiny devoted
to the service of others as foreseen at the end of her near-death
experience. Guided by a new sensitivity to the presence of angels,
demons and other invisibilities, Kimberly attained a Masters degree in
Social Work at the University of Washington and began a career in
medical social work that put her in direct contact with dying people -
and people who almost died and came back.
It is the inspirational stories of these near-death experiences, as well
as Kimberly\'s own life challenges in love, family life and the
diagnosis of breast cancer, that form the core of this surprisingly
funny page-turner of a book.
Bettie J. Eadie, Author of Embraced by the Light said, \"Kimberly Clark
Sharp is truly an exciting and loved spokesperson for the near-death
movement. Kim will tantalize and fascinate you as she shares...her
extraordinary life of service to the seen and unseen.\"
Raymond Moody, author of Life After Life, and father of the Near-Death
Experience: \"The spirited and spritual Kimberly Clark Sharp opens a new
door to the aftereffects of her near-death experience and shows us the
supernatural worlds that surround the living and await the dying\"
Dr. Melvin Morse, author of Closer to the Light adds: \"No one has done
more with the near-death experience to serve others than Kimberly Clark
Sharp. She was one of the earliest influences on my own understanding of
near-death experiences.\"
Other comments:
> \"Experiencer, researcher, clinician...nobody tells it better or with
> more humor than Kim. A delightfully entertaining writer and a very
> wise soul.\"
> ~ Kenneth Ring, Ph.D. Author of Heading Toward Omega
> Kimberly Clark-Sharp has produced a remarkable book about her own
> near-death experience (NDE) and its effects on her life. For many
> readers, any well-written NDEbook (and this is surely one) will be
> welcomed. For those uncounted who have been touched by Sharp over the
> years, this book is long overdue. For the remainder, this is still a
> book worth reading. It made me cry; it made me laugh; and it made me
> rethink some of my fundamental ideas. As Sharp might sing into her
> microphone, Who could ask for anything more?
> ~ Bruce Greyson, M.D., University of Virginia
> After the Light is a spiritual roller coaster ride I kept thinking
> would end, but never did. The book begins with a near-death-experience
> (NDE) in 1970, and then fast forwards through the miraculous and the
> incredible as author Kimberly Clark Sharp shares how a byproduct of
> her NDE, a spiritual-opening-up, allowed her to walk simultaneously in
> two worlds.
> ~ Rick Montgomery, from Angel Times